Profile banner for warwickknight



Streaming Metal Gear Solid with 1 viewer

In my restless dreams, I see that town.

About me/FAQ

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Q: How are you streaming? A: I am using an Elgato HD60 Q: Where are you from? A: I'm from a place with a name. Q: How old are you? A: Age isn't discussed due to the TOS. Q: What games do you play? A: Just about any games really, especially souls-likes

Tip information!

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Wanna support the channel or provide a game you'd like to see? Any tips go towards the channel and or life expenses and are hugely appreciated! Click the image to be brought to my tip page!
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Follow me on Twitter to be alerted first when I'll be going live! Also for more goofing off as well. *Click the image to be redirected*
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Current Schedule- 8pm each night, MST! Or unless I randomly feel like streaming

Artist Corner :D

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Well here is my little section to talk about myself. Hi all, my name is Melissa aka Mylotan aka Mylo. Warwick has been a good friend of mine for a while now, I still remember when he only had 12 followers. The good 'ol days lol. So when he asked if I could do the art for his channel of course I said yes! I'm in here sometime moderating when I'm not at work or doing school so if you see me say hi. ^_^ Once I'm done with all the art for here I do plan on taking commissions to help me pay for school. So check back later for a link to that. If you want you can check me out on all these sites as well- Twitter- Behance Portfolio- DeviantArt- Comissions- TBA