wazitsay 的个人资料横幅

971 位关注者


直播 EVE Online,共有 45 名观众

Hi! I'm Waz! I stream as a hobby to meet people and have a good time. I'm a dad, husband, IT Tech, and finance enthusiast! I enjoy giving back to my community, and getting to know people. Check out the "About Me" panel below! Channel Trailer Cred: twitch.tv/bootknacks

Hello there! I'm Waz; I love playing games with friends and hanging out with you! EVE Online, League of Legends, and War Thunder will almost always be a constant in my streams, but occasionally we will play through a story game. Look below to see what's been played! :) Currently playing: EVE Online 🧠 Completed: Destiny 2 🚀 Dark Souls 2 🔥 Detroit Become Human 🤖 Dark Souls Remastered 🧟‍♂️ No Man's Sky 🌌 Halo: Infinite 🛸 Alien: Isolation 👽 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 🌟 I enjoy having various content ranging from MMOs to MOBAs and FPS games. You can use the channel point redemptions to help influence what I play and enter in drawings! If you enjoy watching, please drop a follow so you can catch me next time I'm live! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つSPECIAL BITTY ALERTS(⊙o⊙)(NOT ON STARTING, ENDING, OR BRB SCREENS) 5 - FUN!! 7 - WTF 12 - Toe Pirate Waz 15 - Liar Liar 69 - Wazi Nice 74 - 07/04 = 4th of July, Wazi is Captain America 101- YEEE HAW 111 - Wazi in Wonderland 123 - Zombie! 420 - Wazi Not Bad
If you are having a good time, please consider following or subscribing! Perks of subscribing: ❤ My never-ending thanks! ⌚ No Ads! Never miss out on time with your friends and me in chat! 🎊🎉ANIMATED EMOTES, WOO!🎉🎊 🎆🎇Special Sub-only Emotes!!🎇🎆
Donating is very much appreciated and is very encouraging! Your donations help support the channel and can help me buy better equipment to make the stream better! I love you all!