Profile banner for wdg_plasim




BSCC Discord (Click the image to join)

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The Beat Saber Challenge Community is the official community for challenge. In this server there is a ranking system filled with challenging maps (and some dumb ones but we will ignore those). There is no requirement for joining the ranking system, how ever there are requirements to join WDG, BSCC's challenge clan. To join WDG you must pass a level 17 map in BSCC ranking system.

About Me

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I am a U.S. Beat Saber Challenge player in the clan WDG. PC specs: Headset: Oculus Rift w/ 3 sensors CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core GPU: Radeon RX 580 Series Also I like cats. Evidently.
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^ This links to my actual profile so you can get a more in depth look at it.