49 sledujících


WoW PvP, OW Comp, Hearthstone stuff, random shenanigans. I'm just 3 trash bags in a man suit.

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Wa suh my dudes, my name's Trash thanks for checking out my stream! I'm a 23 year old aspiring Chef who loves playing games in my free time. I'm a huge Blizzard fan, World of Warcraft being the game I play/stream the most(2.7k Arena XP). I main a rogue in WoW, and have since Vanilla, I also only PvP but this is subject to change with coming xpacs because I do miss PvE to an extent. But the heart of my gameplay will always be 3s/RBGs mainly 3s. I stream a variety of games, anything from other Blizzard games to random games with my friends, to old classics that I enjoyed over my gaming career. Come chill with me and say hi, I'm super easy-going and love interacting with my community!
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TTS is on, thank you for your support!
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As of right now I don't currently have a streaming schedule as my work schedule changes every week :( I plan on streaming at the very least 3 times a week. My streams will normally always start around 8-11 PM EST, if not a little later than that. Hoping to get on a real schedule when my work life is less hectic.