Profilbanner für whercly

424 Follower


I like to chat, play games & watch stuff on YouTube. Sometimes my girl comes along.

Voice Commands

**Use these voice commands in stream** !beasts !shee !yeah !dayum !mom !moment !dicksmall !denied !dodgethis !hellomofo !sayonara !smacked !sus !grandmother !dickpunch
Hey, I'm Tomer and I'm a streamer, software engineer and a father for two cats. My girl happily join my streams from time to time and together we plan on conquering the entire internet a bitmap by bitmap. Stick around, sometimes we bake cookies.
**Who are you?** Tomer, but you can call me Papa W. **How old are you?** I'm 30 years old **How many languages do you speak?** Hebrew is my mother tongue, but I speak English just as good. **What do you do?** I'm a Software Engineer, and I really love what I do. **Why streaming?** Streaming is a personal passion of mine, I love doing it not just for playing games but also to get to know people from around the world.
You can reach me out on all of my socials, and on my email: