ผู้ติดตาม 136 คน


Windchaser000 สตรีม Magic: The Gathering และ แค่แชท

You want to play with me?

Sure! It will cost you.... channel points. You can find out how much by clicking on the points in chat. I reserve the right to creatively solve backlog like: -playing ALSO: Subscribers get 3 matches. ALSO ALSO: Sub gifters get 3 matches times the number of gifted subs. Important: If you want to play consecutive games, please try to select that option. Everything in regards to playing with me is subject to change. I reserve the right to change the point values or refuse this service if it is conflicting with my real life schedule. If I suspect exploitation of myself I will refuse this service. Be kind and respectful to me and others alike. I reserve the right to creatively solve backlog like: -playing with more than one person/adding teammates -creating custom vs matches -anything else that comes to my mind
Finally you can follow me on Twitter. I suggest checking there if I'm coming online or something came up. (clicking on the picture brings you there)
Just a guy trying out streaming in some spare time. Currently streaming off my GF's PS4 and laptop. Will stream different stuff, mostly PS Plus and indie games.
Right now I can't promise a regular streaming schedule. As soon as it's possible I'll set it up. See ya at irregular streams! :)
You are looking for more ways to support me? Beyond following my channel, Twitter and watching me? Below are a few ways you can support me: - you can invite your friends to follow me - you can suggest games/mods/extensions for me to use - or you can just throw money at me by cheering, subscribing or clicking on the image below