
I like raids. Twitter: @winterdaze_rs

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Hello everyone! My name's winter, and I like doing raids. When I'm not raiding, I'm usually (very slowly) working towards maxing. I probably will not be streaming consistently.
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**RSN?** winterdaze **Age?** 22 **Are you in a clan?** Yes, a small skilling one called Entity (forum QFC: 320-321-218-65965368) **What pets do you have?** KBD, Zulrah, Mole, Herbi, Rocky, Beaver, Chompy Chick, Chaos Ele, Kraken, Lil' Zik, Olmlet (with dust), Rift Guardian, Prime, Rex, Heron **How many bows have you gotten?** 14 seen total, 5 were ffa (not mine), 2 in my name with 9 splits overall (876 KC 5 man, 1016 KC 4 man, 1099 KC 5 man, 1103 KC 3 man, 1292 KC 4 man, 1942 KC duo, 2126 KC 4 man, CM 109 KC 5 man, CM 148 KC 7 man ) **What raids items have you gotten in your name?** I have completed both raids 1 & 2 :) **Can I request a song?** Sure, as long as it's not a troll one! (I have the right to skip those) **Where can I find your playlist?** [Click here!](https://open.spotify.com/user/yhpnx5dxpp265jlfjfjftjapl/playlist/0FAqycEru0lwj2RAuctiyo?si=sJRDxIABSw2NsIsQrxM4rA) When I'm not playing music from Spotify, I'm usually playing mixes from YouTube.
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**First Subscriber:** Goateus **First Donator:** GirlsLoveToast **First Follower:** opdeleon **Top Donator:** notalicex (423 bits) **First Stream:** 5/5/18 **Date of Affiliation:** 5/12/18 Thank you everyone for the incredible amount support, it means a lot :)
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* Pet Collection (15/46)
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If you'd like to support the stream or enjoy the content, feel free to click on the Donate banner. Donations are never required, even for song requests, but any and all donations are much appreciated!