wolfmaximus 的個人檔案橫幅

130 位追隨者


Hey, I'm Joe! I'm a former software developer, amateur chef, and skill collector!After saving a Fortune 500 company millions of dollars and getting laid off I decided to pursue my passion for learning and started collecting various skills, ranging from Gunpla to basic plumbing skills!

**Name** - Joe **From** - Texas **Age** - 27 **Main Games** - LoL mainly with friends but I do enjoy variety. **Why Stream?** - In need of a new hobby since i am home often. Streaming was a convenient way to meet new people and talk about some games i enjoy. **When did you start?** - Started as a hobby in January 2016. Got laid off in 2019 and started to attempt full time streaming on Mixer, Now on twitch.
Tips are never expected but always appreciated. Thank you so much for the support! Please be aware of the below tipping policy. All contributions are beyond belief and deserve equal thanks and gratitude. A reasonable attempt to read all messages attached to donations will be read on stream.