worstoftheworst 프로필 배너

팔로워 170명


Casual gaming for a casual gamer. I like to at least try any game before I make a judgment.


At this moment in time, I am not accepting donations. I really just want to hang out with all of you wonderful people. Meaning the best donation you can make is spending some time here in the stream and having fun!


Right now, I stream whenever I dang well please! With my full time job, and home life its hard to have a constant schedule, but when I do stream it most likely will be weekdays at 3:30pm PST.

Hey there!

Hello! Welcome to the channel! I hope you will find some entertainment here! My name is WorstoftheWorst! Please watch and enjoy; I hope that I'm exactly what you're looking for on Twitch!

Who am I?!?

Most call me Worst, or my real name Tim, if you want to be more personal. Playing video games is one of my biggest passions. I mainly stream minecraft, but occasionally will play other games. If you have any questions feel free to ask! I think, together, we'll have a lot of fun here. Thank you for watching and supporting me!


No irrelevant spamming. If you give negativity, expect it in return. Racism, sexism, and otherwise intolerable comments will not be tolerated. No hints or spoilers if I'm playing a game for the first time. I'll ask if I need help. Above all else: have fun! If you're not having fun, you're definitely doing it wrong.