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Wrestle Parade's The Strut! Tonight

# THE STRUT! **Episode 17: WORST HATE THAT WEIRDRE** *Live from Yakima, WA* **Opening Contest** BISON Yamamoto vs Lulu Shakubyoshi (w/Nana Yoon) **Match #2** Sophie Sapphic vs Screwdriver Suki **Match #3** Mexican Scorpion & Gargoylette vs Angie Starr & Molly Medium **Match #4** Jessie Andrews vs Saoirse Donnelly **Match #5** Carmen Latour vs WHIP Nanae **Match #6** Misery Graves & Jayne Payne vs Hinari & Camilla Kidd **Match #7** Aranea Menendez vs Selena Cruz **Match #8** *NO COUNT OUTS* Maxine Blaster (w/Toni Bolton) vs The SAHM (w/Kenzie McKenzie) ## ** MAIN EVENT** *WRESTLE PARADE HARMONY CHAMPIONSHIPS* Kroll & WEIRDRE vs Dani Sterling & Nakajima-sama (c)

Wrestle Parade Echelon Championship

**Current Champion:** BISON Yamamoto The pinnacle which talent can achieve in The Strut. The championship is open to all challengers. Match rules vary upon the stipulation, but the championship cannot switch hands at the result of a disqualification. Previous Champions: Nana Yoon (1 Defense)

About Wrestle Parade

Wrestle Parade is an American professional wrestling promotion founded in 1997 by Luke and Lorelai “Rory” Steele. The promotion operates from Seattle, Washington and mainly tours the Pacific Northwest, California, Nevada, and Arizona. Between 1997 and 2008, the promotion was associated with Frontier-1, a worldwide professional wrestling conglomerate, until a dispute over champions and their contenders fractured the relationship. As a result, The Steeles created their own championship belts and offered roster exclusivity, ending any working contracts with promotions still heralding the Frontier-1 banner. Since 2008, Wrestle Parade has been a cornerstone of the western-United States professional wrestling scene, persevering through an early financial crisis accredited to the commercial backing of Gaius Lockhart, a former Frontier-1 executive, multi-billionaire and close friend of The Steeles. Due to his contributions, Wrestle Parade has been able to extend their talent pool beyond the United States, cultivating athletes from Mexico, Japan, Europe and other regions across the globe. Wrestle Parade’s mission is to inspire and offer world-level competition while promoting gender equality and positivity within the sport and beyond. As of 2021, Wrestle Parade has working relationships with Phoenix Rising, Blackrose, Sakura Pro and EMPIRE.

Wrestle Parade Harmony Championships

**Current Champions:** The Worst (Nakajima-sama & Dani Sterling) The top championship that The Strut’s elite tag teams can compete for. They are open to all challengers. Match rules vary upon the stipulation, however in a traditional match setting, rope breaks are disabled. The championships cannot switch hands at the result of a disqualification. Previous Champions: 1) Pretty Pirates GALeon (0 Defenses)