Profile banner for xargon0731


殺梗 (xargon0731)



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本台聊天室圖、動態表符|繪師 ► [ZUKA蘇卡](
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過氣 FPS 國手,代表台灣參加 WCG, IEM, ACON5, ESWC 等國際賽事,退役後投入TeSL, Garena, 4Gamers 等電競幕後單位,希望為台灣電競出力。目前為全職實況主,實況純屬娛樂及放鬆心情,希望大家會喜歡。 I'm Xargon, a retired FPS pro-player, had represent Taiwan to participate in WCG, IEM, ACON5, ESWC, etc. Streaming on Twitch is relaxing and fun for me. Hope you all enjoy it!
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往後 Twitch 上的 VOD 會改為僅限於訂閱者觀看喲,而你仍然可在 YouTube 裡繼續觀看完整的VOD。現在就訂閱 Xargon 頻道(YouTube 訂閱頻道是免費的喔),不必再苦於上班上課而錯過歷史紀錄了! 內含精彩影片及失智片段。 In the future, VOD in twitch is watched by the subscriber, but you can enjoy the VOD in youtube. You can watch the highlight anytime if you have subscribed Youtube channel.
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歐付寶專區 ,感謝您的贊助及支持!!
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感謝您的贊助及支持,我會帶給大家更開心的實況享受!目前贊助還有點歌功能,在裡面輸入 YouTube 影片的連結就可以在實況上撥放音樂唷!(換回舊的抖內系統囉) 詳細細節可以在聊天室輸入!donate 指令。 Thanks for watching! Please follow and subscribe if you like the stream. I will provide the visual enjoyment. When you're the subscriber, you can request a song! [Procedure](
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喜歡這台主的,也歡迎訂閱(特價4.99美金/月)本台,可以得到聊天室專屬的表情符號,訂閱3個月以上或$24.99可進入LINE群還有抽獎福利!詳情在聊天室輸入 !line。 目前已有:失智、內內圖案。 The subscriber own exclusive emoticons, LINE, and lottery. Using "!line" can get more information. There are 15 exclusive emoticons which was added.
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台規請在聊天室輸入 !chat 。請大家互相尊重自律,發言除了不洗頻外,用詞請尊重各性別/種族/宗教等不同族群。也請避免在本台討論其他實況台及其他實況主,並尊重台主玩什麼遊戲/跟誰玩的意願。違反上述規範者 MOD 會依狀況處以 1-600 秒 Timeout 警告,屢勸不聽者永 Ban,如果被台主看到是直接永 Ban 的喔! **詳細規則請點圖**,若有誤 Ban 或對於判決結果有疑慮亦請至此回報,填單並盡可能的提供相關資訊。 Please follow the rule and respect each other. Viewers who violate will Punish between one second and permanent ban. Viewer who does not accept the punishment can report to the MOD.
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+ 想購買 Xargon 週邊可至[元素圖騰商店]( + 合作洽詢