Profile banner for xavspawn



Hi there! My name is Xav and I am, professionally, a programmer/IT associate. Behind the scenes though, I am an aspiring indie author, who also may love singing too much. On some days though, you might meet strange characters I've made up in my head.

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>**Hey there! I am Xav!** I am a variety streamer that plays a lot of different video games. You can expect a more heavy focus on RPG's, both western or Japanese, as well as action/adventure, and platformers. I do play MMO's in my spare time but i have no intentions of streaming that at this time. >I do play DnD, and write stories, so expect some silly voices where applicable. I often use it as a technique to get in characters heads, which is helpful here. >I am just a guy trying to have fun at the end of the day. If you enjoy my presence here then i hope to see you more, if not then it was nice crossing paths for a brief amount of time.
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>I will trust my moderators over anyone when it comes to the chat. They are generally in that role for a very good reason. >+ Don't be an asshole >+ No politics >+ Unless asked for, no backseat gaming. If i need help i will ask. >+ No spam or questionable links >+ No racism/sexism/anti-lgbtq+, etc. >+ No spoilers - I may have played some of these games but others might not. Be respectful of this. >This list will be expanded and revised upon the longer I stream, so know things are subject to change. >Ultimately, lets just chill out together and have some fun!
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>Current Schedule: >Tuesday: 8 - 11 PM EST >Friday: 7 - 11 PM EST
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