Profile banner for xelah



Xelah (Zell-ah) She/her. Married. Grew up playing on Sega and Playstation games, been roleplaying since I was 4 years old and my parents let me learn how to read on my own with a Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual. Beauty is in the eyes of the Beholders, friends.

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Donate to the cause by clicking on the panel image above!! Thank you so much for your generosity and your kindness! These things bring me one step closer to being a better streamer to bring better things to you guys! My current goal is to buy a new computer entirely, since my current computer is unable to handle the demands of streaming games above the minimum graphic-settings, as it runs on wishful thinking, duct tape, zip ties, and an invisible hamster named Rumpleston Von Freckles III. Rumpleston wants to retire. ;_;
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Do you like my content, and want to be updated when I go live? Feel free to come hang out at our Discord: [THE CATBOX] Click the Panel image!
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Life is Strange 2 Bioshock Bioshock Infinite Witcher 3 Torchlight Little Misfortune The Sexy Brutale Doki Doki Literature Club Fran Bow
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- No Spoilers for games unless I specifically ask for help. - Backseat gaming is usually okay, as long as you're just guiding me when I'm struggling - If I say STOP, then you STOP. - Don't ask to join my games, unless I'm specifically playing a 'viewers welcome to join' stream. **this is not exhaustive. If I have to add more to this because people don't have common sense, i'm going to be super grumpy**
Panel Content
My real name is Amber, but most people know me as Xelah! You know how online handles go~~~♪ My birthday is Aug. 4th. One might even say I was born in the LATE 1900s. I'm anime-old. I'm Pagan, Polyamorous, Pansexual. I'm married - I lived my dream, and got married on Samhain. I have two beautiful cats, Peridot (Grey Tabby), and Reeses Peanut Butter Cup (Tortoiseshell Calico) No, you cannot have them, they are my babies. I live in Florida. Someone please, please, turn the heat down. I am melting. Also, if you could dim the skybox a little bit, that'd be fantastic, too. I've been gaming since I was a child, I grew up at Science-Fiction conventions. Growing up on things like Rocky Horror Picture Show, Star Trek, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, y'know it... shapes a person a little differently. I'm different, and I'm proud of that.
Panel Content
Let me just say that I love and appreciate each and every one of you, taking the time to watch me flail about poorly in games, hang out in the chat, browsing my panels. It means so much to me that you've given me your time. Thank you for everything you've given me, and thank you for your continued support!