Profile banner for xephstream



Hi! I stream mostly horror and action games, such as Resident Evil and DOOM.

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Hi there! You can call me Xeph. Thanks for checking out my stream! I play lots of games, but I tend to stream Resident Evil games the most. I'm a big fan of beating games on harder difficulties and going for high scores in games that I'm particularly obsessed with at the time. I own almost every system, so you'll see a wide variety of stuff on here as time goes on!

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I sometimes play a lot of RE5 Mercenaries, mostly in duo mode with my good buddy Fudge: []( We don't play often, but when we do, it's a doozy!

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Want to show your support for the stream? [Subscribe today]( and join the S.T.A.R.S. unit! Rumor has it, people have been going missing up in the Arklay Mountains lately, and Bravo Team will be sent in soon to investigate. They'll be armed with a few exclusive emotes, of course! All jokes aside, my stream is a place to have fun whether you're a sub or not. Just hanging out or following is appreciated!

Friends and recommendations

I encourage you to check out these fine streamers as well: * [Fudgebumps]( * [Yantzi]( * [Valo23mo]( * [Bleedredstars]( * [RebeccaRE]( * [Maxylobes]( * [Carcinogen](