xirnjp 프로필 배너

팔로워 82명


Je suis français et je parle japonais/日本語を喋るフランス人

패널 콘텐츠
###Hey buddy! I'm Xirn, and I'm studying **Japanese** and **English**. I mostly stream about Japanese learning, which helps motivate me to study everyday. You **too** must study everyday. Let's help each other in this super boring task by having a little chat! Tell me about your studies, your projects, or even share your **epic memes** with me! Nothing is impossible. Just **don't forget to study.**
패널 콘텐츠
###How long have you been learning Japanese ? — I've been weebing around since 2009, but I started studying seriously when I got into college. After two years there, I went in an exchange in Japan, where I followed linguistics and Japanese classes, along with the other Japanese students. Fun times. Now I'm *bacc* home, and I started streaming, to not forget everything I learned :D ###What's your Japanese level? — I've officially passed the **JLPT N1**, but sometimes, I just wonder if I shouldn't get an enveloppe and send my diploma back to Japan. I'm kind of a perfectionist, and I'm striving for that epic N0 level. ###Do you give Japanese lessons ? — Nah, I'm a student, just like you. If you have a question, by all mean, ask in chat, and I'll do my best!