Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho xmsdawnx

106 người theo dõi


I'm a mom, doing mom things, and playing games.

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Hello, yes, Hi. My name is Felicia, but you can call me Dawn. I am 30 years old, I have 2 gorgeous sons, and 2 temperamental dogs. I'm random AF when I warm up to people, so expect that here. That does include random singing, random pick up lines, and may even result in me laughing at things that make 12 year olds giggle. I just enjoy spending my time playing games, and reading a good book or watching a good TV show, I'm also a HUGE horror fan, like slasher classics. (Freddy is my ABSOLUTE favorite) I enjoy Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and so many others, so if that boringness peaks your interest, then by all means, please join us for some weird times.
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Join my small discord family! I'm still trying to work out the bugs, so bear with me! :)
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Follow Me On TikTok!
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Always appreciated, never required. <3