
Hello and welcome to my channel.

About me =)

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Hey guys, my name is Joe AKA: Doofusman. I've been gaming since the Atari/Colecovision days and the addiction is still strong. I will try to be as entertaining and interactive as I can. Feel free to chat about anything game related because like most New Yorkers I have opinions and am more than willing to share. Please refer to THE LAWS below and keep chat appropriate and most of all a nice place to be. I thank all of you, new and old, for watching and hanging with me. Stay in touch with yourselves... and each other.


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All times EST and are subject to change: At this time, there is no set schedule. I will stream when I can.


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Follow to know when I'm streaming and see if I put up anything stupid during the day.


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Donations are always appreciated, never asked for. They will be used to better the stream and keep me in cheeseburgers. I will always try and recognize every donation and read them for the world to hear! Donations are non-refundable.


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Hello and welcome to my channel... Here are some ground rules... PLEASE FOLLOW THEM because I have no issue banning your ass. 1. I pick the game. 2. Don't tell me how to play said game. If I want help I will ask for it. 3. Don't ask to be mod. 4. Opinions are fine, discussions and debates are fine, INSULTS ARE NOT. 5. ALL RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DEPENDENT ON THE SITUATION AND HOW I SEE IT... it is my stream after all. Life's a bitch, wear a helmet. =)
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