Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho xxxpandamanicxxx

685 người theo dõi


"Be good or Be good at it!" Check out out art, merch, website, and social media links in the Linktree as well!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Please remember to follow these simple rules when in stream. -Be Kind and Courteous to the Streamer and Chatters -No Racial Slurs, Remarks, or Jokes -No Disrespect of Any Kind -ADULT STREAM (if you are under 18 for the safety of the stream and the streamer you will be asked to kindly leave)
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
We here at Manic Gaming appreciate all the love from everyone who does join the stream. From the lurkers to the Freaks and Geeks that step in to join each and every stream. If you do wish to subscribe just click the button to get access to Emotes, More Points, and Prizes.
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Manic's Looney Bin Please message me for inquiries about invites. (Same rules as the stream do apply to the discord)
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