Profile banner for y2fey



i used to be d4tehim!!! they/he. when iā€™m functional enough, i stream?

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# 01. hate speech of any kind is not accepted under any terms. # >this isn't to be debated; **TRANSPHOBIA, FATPHOBIA, RACISM OR SEXISM OF ANY KIND IS NOT WELCOME HERE.** # 02. keep politics to a minimum. # >i'm not going to shun you immediately if you bring up politics, but it shouldn't be the main topic of the chatroom. being a weirdo gets you booted, don't try me. # 03. be friendly & welcoming to any of our viewers. # >chat is supposed to be something that is fun for all of us, and nobody should be excluded. respect boundaries & be courteous!
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# what games are on your list? # >currently: minecraft stardew valley risk of rain 2 spelunky 2 slime rancher >upcoming hades omori streets of rogue dead cells (?) death road to canada (?) rimworld (?) rivals of aether (?) to the moon the binding of isaac: repentance noita any suggestions are welcome :) # who made your overlay? # stesilart, on etsy! # why do you sound like that? # >next question :yawn: # do you have an account on X platform? # > probably not. i don't use a lot of social media, besides discord, tumblr & instagram. no, i will not use twitter, it will drive me up the wall. # can i join your server / your friend discord? # > not unless i specifically say so. please be respectful! # you said something kinda weird/ignorant/disrespectful and i want to talk to you about it # >then PLEASE DO IT. you can contact me on instagram, or send me a private dm on tumblr and you can gladly school my ass. i'm a person trying their best to better themselves every day, please call me on it if i do!
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*BLACK LIVES MATTER!* *ALL COPS ARE BAD!* >hi, i'm cherie, a discarded angel who probably went through the grinder a couple times and landed in the garbage pit of twitch dot tee vee. >>i'm a nonbinary trans person (**they/he** only) who is trying to vibe with his friends & family. i play mostly minecraft, and i love roguelixe* games! i'm also a dnd nerd and may nerd out about it on stream. *too many games i play are debated as roguelikes/roguelites so i just use "roguelixe" >i have autism & depression, so my streaming schedule can be very irregular. i only stream when i feel in the mood, but i try to go for the weekends & occasionally a week day every now and then.
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# my wonderful family # beware, this is a long list. + [Flakes]( | one half of the reason i got my microphone at all. she is such a loving, charismatic and funny person with a cute dog named obi!!! + [Deadman]( | the other half of the reason why i got my microphone. deadman is such a patient, caring and honest man and he deserves nothing but love and support. when he streams, it's always a treat. :-) + [Witch]( | my brother and also, my moderator! a very sweet and funny man who likes minecraft and other cool games like subnautica, fallout & more! + [Dawn](https// & [His blog]( | DAWN IS HANDS DOWN, one of the most funny and creative people i have met. his blog is an interesting read and he makes amazing art! + [Miso]( | miso doesn't appear on stream often, but they may lurk in chat just being the silly cowboy that they are. only love and respect for the best frog to ever exist + [Lollie]( | i have no idea what i can say about lollie that isn't total love and admiration for her and her work. they mostly lurk in chat and that's cool, but they're a great conversationalist and a good listener, not to mention HOW GOOD SHE IS AT MAKING CRAFTS. i LOVE you lollie. + [Matt]( | HE MAKES SUCH AMAZING ART!!
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# basic commands # **prefix: !commands** > *lurk / unlurk* : wanna stick around, but can't chat? drop a lurk in chat! **remember to mute your tab and NOT the stream if you want your viewership to count.** > *muted* : show that you've muted the tab by tagging this command. > *pronouns* : get the pronouns of the streamer and their friends. set on a timer. > *time* : see what time it is for me! > *uptime* : see how long i've been streaming! # social commands # > *hug / unhug @username* : hug, or unhug a person! > *tackle @username* : tackle a user in chat! > *wiggles / wiggle* : see how wiggly you are! > *winning* : ... i mean, it's obvious. you get to see if i'm winning or not. > *8ball* : shake the 8ball and ask a question! let the 8ball decide! # sound effect commands # **prefix: !sounds** > *!brb* > *!checkin* > *!crunch* > *!died* > *!dunksouls* > *!honk* (gunshot tw) > *!meg* > *!yummy*