Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho yahwehisking4ever

198 người theo dõi


welcome to my channel. I'm a gamer who loves to play different games. But I also won’t shut up about God. My content will include different games, Gods word/testimonies of His work in my life.

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You can watch my streams too on Youtube!!
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watch clips of my streams on Instagram!!
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You can also chat with me on Discord
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welcome to my channel. I'm a gamer who loves to play different games. But also i'm newly saved and also enjoy taking about God. My content will include games, Gods word/testimonies of Gods work in my life. I'm hoping that my testimonies & the word of God will have a positive impact in your life Amen
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Your donations are welcomed and appreciated. God bless you
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1. Be Kind!!! 2. Be positive and Helpful to other viewers 3. Do not self promote 4. Have fun!!! 5. No Political discussions 6. No trading or selling of online accounts or currency 7. Racism or discrimination will result in a ban 8. Jokes about mental disorders will result in a ban 9. No backseat gaming nor spoilers