


Freelance Artist + Commission Miniature painter.

Support these guyse :)
Name: Yamato Age: 32 From: Australia (Originally Singapore) Freelance - Character artist/Miniature Painter Draws: Anime styled Art. How Long have you been drawing for? Seriously?: 6 years For the Lulz?: 22 years How long have you been mini painting for? Seriously?: 2 years For the Luls?: 22 years Artists that Influence my work: KKUEM Hyung Tae Kim Krenz Krushart Suzuhito Yasuda 木shiyo HEX
Do or Do not there is no try.
Chat Rules -Be Respectful of others -No Discrimination or Politics (Inter-Personal) -Have Fun (without hurting or attacking anyone) -Respect the Mods I Understand that I am an average artist. Please do not leave any kill joy comments on my channel or backseat my art. If you would like to critique my work please PM me or on Discord. My Beloved Mods: Sunarel Gee123 Tzujuju Vocalphase Micutu [Hammustar](http://www.twitch.tv/Hammustar) Gigabytewide Eggsangwich [xbeanie](http://www.twitch.tv/xbeanie) Honorable Mod (Close Twitch Friends and Fellow Streamers) [Underearthedo](http://www.twitch.tv/underearthedo) [BikerDad](http://www.twitch.tv/bikerdad) Zzodiac_ [Andyface](http://www.twitch.tv/andyface) [Tiffany](http://www.twitch.tv/tiffanylockheart) [Aki](http://www.twitch.tv/akicarlito) [Bear](http://www.twitch.tv/bearthemighty) [FallenAK](http://www.twitch.tv/FallenAK) [Carillus](http://www.twitch.tv/Carillus)
You can then PM me or Contact me [here](https://discord.gg/wz7f6gU)
I Predominately Use Twitch and discord as my main social media site ;) I also use the following Social Media [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/yamatoworks) [Instagram - Minis](http://www.instagram.com/musashiworksminis) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Yamatoworksart) [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=370077) [ArtStation](https://www.artstation.com/yamatoworks)
I stream on Australian Central Time (ACT) I usually Strea-... let me sort out my schedule again... For Americans this is usually in the early hours of the morning between 3am to 7am. Sundays to Thursdays. My only day off is Friday (Saturday my time) For Europeans this is usually in the late mornings early afternoons between 11am to 3pm. Usually on the same days. (its just night time for me). Please note from time to time due to sickness and Real Life Commitments I may not be able to stream. Please join discord for these announcements.
OS: Windows 10 Display: 27" 16:9 Widescreen Video Card: RTX2080 8GB windforce Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X RAM: 64GB Hard Drive Capacity: 2TB, SSD 250GB, SSD500GB Huion GT 191 Software: Photoshop Clip Studio Paint FAQ - Paints I use whatever I want but predominately using Scale 75 for most of my commission and competition paint jobs.
We have an active community where we talk about games and pretty much everything together if your interested. Please Click the image above to automatically get your invite to discord.