
Maybe an unexpected guest will photo bomb your twitch stream.


**!bet (id) (amount)** - Used when Saltybom initiates bets. Follow his directions to play! **!bank** - Saltybom will tell you how much currency you have left for betting. You can check once every 20s as to prevent chat spam. **!helpmebet** - Get a little help from Saltybom if you're indecisive
Panel Content
Bomberman TV is an interactive social experiment where viewers get to bet on the outcome of CPU controller Bomberman matches across various games in the Bomberman franchise. Users will accumulate points based off how long they watch the channel in 5 minute intervals. 100 points will be granted every 5 minutes you're logged in to your twitch account and active on this channel. When prompted by Shirobom, viewers will have the opportunity to bet on which of five CPU bombermen will win each game: White, Black, Red, Blue, or Green. Wins for each round and match will be recorded across each stream to help viewers decide which Bomberman has the better odds of winning and/or losing. Once betting starts, viewers will have 2 minutes to decide who they want to bet on. The command for betting is: # **!bet (id) (amount)** !bet is the command used to start your bet (id) without parenthesis decides which bomberman you want to bet on (amount) without parenthesis decides how much you want to wager up to 200 points Games will be played first to three for each stage. Payouts will occur when the first CPU Bomberman wins all three rounds per stage. If you want to check how many points you currently have, you can use the command **!bank** once every minute to check your status. *Try not to spam this.* If you're ever having trouble deciding on who to bet, try using **!helpmebet**