Profile banner for yoomyooms



Hi I'm kinda mean >:T

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All-time Top3 Donators 1. Fiertfsandeto 2. Optusx4 3. Ricebro1 All-time Top3 Gifters 1. Optusx4 2. Fiertfsandeto 3. Ricebro1 All-time Top3 Cheerers 1. Fiertfsandeto 2. Ricebro1 3. Liquidtsunami99 Thank you so much ;-; <3!! Ps. All donations are voluntary and non-refundable. By donating you acknowledge that no goods or services are purchased with your donation. So please do not over donate because having debt is the last thing I would want you to do!!
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#**[Link to Throne Wishlist](** Thank you for the surprises šŸ’—šŸ„¹
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#**[Send Food](** Thank you for feeding hungry Yoom ;-; šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— (Not available during IRL)