Profilbanner for yourfriendlector

2,8k følgere


yourfriendLector strømmer Fortnite.


!pk - top recent PK !meow - new picture of my cats each day !uptime - stream duration !sr songtitle artist etc - song request via youtube search
Hola. My name is Michael and I've been gaming since my dad put an NES remote in my hands back when I was a scrub. Fast forward 20 yrs and I display my scrubbish behavior cross-platform, most of the time on Old School Runescape. You might on occasion see my little bitch cat come into cam view and make things hard for me.
I don't just stream because it's fun, I ultimately have a huge agenda full of obscene shit and donations count towards every step that takes a part. It's impossible to express thanks enough for those that have, and the least I could do is point out how you are the black chinchompas to my ranged level. The logs to my firemaking. The super restores to my deep wild big 1 item risks. I love you guys, thank you a million times. * hunkmaster22000 - **$600.05** * SDS_Superbia - $455.00 * sir_altsalot - $387.88 * zillythet0nk - $229.54 * SilentYaro - $134.00 * Reactor_FX - $113.01 * Thekernimal - $110.00 * clutchsquirreltv - $90.00 * DrWody - $70.00 * d00ksy - $61.00 * opdre - $60.00 * livininthebay - $58.12 * Mr_Brown___ - $55.00 * Bubav2 - $50.00 * limitlessvoid05 - $49.45 * bric_k - $48.22 * troyycurrie - $43.65 * firstpurge - $25.00 * PuffOfGreen - $20.00 * ARandomFatGBoy - $20.00 * TheVenezuelans - $20.00 * ExtremekO - $19.00 * Baby_Zerker - $18.00 * adrianx111 - $17.77 * Dippindots4thots - $15.72 * ogwyvern - $15.00 * Presidential_Puppetry - $13.37 * pooopy - billions * oteb - $10.00 * xOG_OSRS - $10.00 * nothotfries - $10.00 * ColbyB - $10.00 * jesseandrew1 - $10.00 * unwrappedturban - $10.00 * b0bbyjacks0n - $10.00 * kiversss - $10.00 * tsxdom90 - $10.00 * biggestpimpofalltime - $9.00 * Winnerbyhabit - $9.00 * twentyrackmedia - $8.40 * Squaddgangg - $6.60 * Thereusabletampon - $5 * milkybrownboy - $5.00 * Maxed_Red - $5.00 * tee_hee1 - $5.00 * GurtsGaming - $5.00 * t_wright4 - $5.00 * Miracle_Performer - $5.00 * boredatwork361 - $5.00 * dcrook - $4.20 * z8phyr - $4.07 * acefoe - $4.00 * DevilEmily - $4.00 * SoppingRichard - $3.67 * tristin_ae - $3.00 * bat_fulge - $2.00 * Hot_Fries - $2.00 * boosted_Dark - $2.00 * Cure - $2.00 * Rads201 - $2.00 * N3xtGener4tion - $2.00 * smd_ - £1.34 * Shlankard - $1.00 * **SDS_Superbia - 1.5B GP** * KatieyBh - 505.3M GP * sir_altsalot - 396M GP * Jerozoco - 119M GP * Reactor_FX - 104M GP * zillythet0nk - 80M GP * DrWody - 76M GP * sixpetmike - 73M GP * troyycurrie - 72M GP * Clearin - 50M GP * TrackSuit_Cx - 50M GP * o x n a r d - 45M GP * Timchon8 - 39M GP * Hot_Fries - 37M GP * bric_k - 30.5M GP * DirectX - 27M GP * twentyrackmedia - 25M GP * Thekernimal - 25M GP * chic0loc0 - 22M GP * JennaTheWeeb - 22M GP * elfenner - 20.3M GP * itsjonnay - 20M GP * stabbycutcut - 20M GP * Squaddgangg - 17.1M GP * DudeOteb - 15M GP * acefoe - 15M GP * Mudduk - 15M GP * Bubav2 - 12.1M GP * Mr Brown - 10.1M GP * khader07 - 10M GP * doingcuz - 10M GP * 私持ってる静的 - 8.1M GP * proxy80001 - 7M GP * figary32 - 6.3M GP * Mikehawk93 - 6M GP * truff1ebutter - 5.3M GP * vagicideosrs - 5M GP * b0bbyjacks0n - 4.7M GP * daybot8 - 4M GP * monkdicks - 4M GP * lord_desoto92 - 3.7M GP * lilchris925 - 3.2M GP * jesseandrew1 - 3M GP * TheOneAndOnlyFB - 2.9M GP * ExtremekO - 2.5M GP * Browhy65 - 2.3M GP * Username_Cactus - 2.2M GP * thereusablecondom - 2M GP * Electroboy99 - 2M GP * Pureifyx - 1.5M GP * Evilelekid - 1M GP