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yourfriendLector streamuje Fortnite.


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Obsah panela
Hola. My name is Michael and I've been gaming since my dad put an NES remote in my hands back when I was a scrub. Fast forward 20 yrs and I display my scrubbish behavior cross-platform, most of the time on Old School Runescape. You might on occasion see my little bitch cat come into cam view and make things hard for me.
Obsah panela
Obsah panela
I don't just stream because it's fun, I ultimately have a huge agenda full of obscene shit and donations count towards every step that takes a part. It's impossible to express thanks enough for those that have, and the least I could do is point out how you are the black chinchompas to my ranged level. The logs to my firemaking. The super restores to my deep wild big 1 item risks. I love you guys, thank you a million times. * hunkmaster22000 - **$600.05** * SDS_Superbia - $455.00 * sir_altsalot - $387.88 * zillythet0nk - $229.54 * SilentYaro - $134.00 * Reactor_FX - $113.01 * Thekernimal - $110.00 * clutchsquirreltv - $90.00 * DrWody - $70.00 * d00ksy - $61.00 * opdre - $60.00 * livininthebay - $58.12 * Mr_Brown___ - $55.00 * Bubav2 - $50.00 * limitlessvoid05 - $49.45 * bric_k - $48.22 * troyycurrie - $43.65 * firstpurge - $25.00 * PuffOfGreen - $20.00 * ARandomFatGBoy - $20.00 * TheVenezuelans - $20.00 * ExtremekO - $19.00 * Baby_Zerker - $18.00 * adrianx111 - $17.77 * Dippindots4thots - $15.72 * ogwyvern - $15.00 * Presidential_Puppetry - $13.37 * pooopy - billions * oteb - $10.00 * xOG_OSRS - $10.00 * nothotfries - $10.00 * ColbyB - $10.00 * jesseandrew1 - $10.00 * unwrappedturban - $10.00 * b0bbyjacks0n - $10.00 * kiversss - $10.00 * tsxdom90 - $10.00 * biggestpimpofalltime - $9.00 * Winnerbyhabit - $9.00 * twentyrackmedia - $8.40 * Squaddgangg - $6.60 * Thereusabletampon - $5 * milkybrownboy - $5.00 * Maxed_Red - $5.00 * tee_hee1 - $5.00 * GurtsGaming - $5.00 * t_wright4 - $5.00 * Miracle_Performer - $5.00 * boredatwork361 - $5.00 * dcrook - $4.20 * z8phyr - $4.07 * acefoe - $4.00 * DevilEmily - $4.00 * SoppingRichard - $3.67 * tristin_ae - $3.00 * bat_fulge - $2.00 * Hot_Fries - $2.00 * boosted_Dark - $2.00 * Cure - $2.00 * Rads201 - $2.00 * N3xtGener4tion - $2.00 * smd_ - £1.34 * Shlankard - $1.00 * **SDS_Superbia - 1.5B GP** * KatieyBh - 505.3M GP * sir_altsalot - 396M GP * Jerozoco - 119M GP * Reactor_FX - 104M GP * zillythet0nk - 80M GP * DrWody - 76M GP * sixpetmike - 73M GP * troyycurrie - 72M GP * Clearin - 50M GP * TrackSuit_Cx - 50M GP * o x n a r d - 45M GP * Timchon8 - 39M GP * Hot_Fries - 37M GP * bric_k - 30.5M GP * DirectX - 27M GP * twentyrackmedia - 25M GP * Thekernimal - 25M GP * chic0loc0 - 22M GP * JennaTheWeeb - 22M GP * elfenner - 20.3M GP * itsjonnay - 20M GP * stabbycutcut - 20M GP * Squaddgangg - 17.1M GP * DudeOteb - 15M GP * acefoe - 15M GP * Mudduk - 15M GP * Bubav2 - 12.1M GP * Mr Brown - 10.1M GP * khader07 - 10M GP * doingcuz - 10M GP * 私持ってる静的 - 8.1M GP * proxy80001 - 7M GP * figary32 - 6.3M GP * Mikehawk93 - 6M GP * truff1ebutter - 5.3M GP * vagicideosrs - 5M GP * b0bbyjacks0n - 4.7M GP * daybot8 - 4M GP * monkdicks - 4M GP * lord_desoto92 - 3.7M GP * lilchris925 - 3.2M GP * jesseandrew1 - 3M GP * TheOneAndOnlyFB - 2.9M GP * ExtremekO - 2.5M GP * Browhy65 - 2.3M GP * Username_Cactus - 2.2M GP * thereusablecondom - 2M GP * Electroboy99 - 2M GP * Pureifyx - 1.5M GP * Evilelekid - 1M GP