Profile banner for yourpalross



I play variety of games and goof along the way

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Channel Art Created by - Angelina Piper You can find her amazing art here - Vtuber Model created by - Amy BinOfTrash Hey I'm Ross. I play a wide variety of games and have always been a gamer at heart.
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I upload gaming content and some random stuff
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- Be respectful to everyone. It's okay to disagree but don't cross the line. - ZERO tolerance for racism, sexism, political talk or general bullying. - Don't spam. - Leave the past in the past. (While you might know me from some of my old jobs like SkyMedia or BluJay Studios, I am trying to focus on the future and don't want to focus on the past.) - NO Sharing personal information. - Do not share gore/NSFW/extreme imagery. - Don't advertise here. It doesn't matter who or what its for. - Don't ask to become a mod in chat. - NO DRAMA - Do not be annoying for attention
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