Profile banner for yumikivr



hewwo my name is Yumiki! šŸ¾ | cutie at ā˜€ļø uwoo at šŸŒ™ | She/Her | Glad you are here! tail wiggles šŸ’™

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hewwo my name is Yumiki! šŸ¾ cutie at ā˜€ļø uwoo at šŸŒ™ Glad you are here! tail wiggles šŸ’™ made this channel so I can have chill late night streams, being cozy together with u. being a safe space for all my floofies~ įƒšć‚Ļ‰ā•¹ )惎ā™” #Q&A ##What species are you? I am a shapeshifter. but I do mostly look like a fox/wolf uwoo~ ##How old are you & when is your bday? March 11. age 2299 ##How long have you been streaming? this channel might be new but my very first stream was 2015 on my very old channel ##Who is Yuuko Nari? Nari is my uwu waifie! we've been married 3 years now! (>ā„Ļ‰ā„<ā„)
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>>Please no racism, sexism and homophobia >>18+ stream! Mature Audience ONLY! I might not say bad words but my fwiends do x3 >>No NSFW talking in chat or towards me pls! >.< >>nyoo being disgusting in my chat >>respect me & our mods, be nicu desu~ >>PLEASE don't point out view count. it makes me vewy nervous! (>//<) >>Please ENGLISH ONLY in chat. I can NOT understand any other languages. So I won't be able to have a lovely convo with you qwq >>Please don't ask mod/vip! once in a while I open applications in discord~ >>no links! If its a link to a clip you made for me, please post it in #clips in our discord >>Do not tell me what to play unless if I ask for suggestions >.< Or recommend a game in our discord server in #game_things >>No spoilers or backseat whatsoever at first or blind playthrough pwease <3
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Donating is optional! But it is vewy appreciated! It will be used for supporting my stream with NEW equipment, model things and life things!~ (>ā„Ļ‰ā„<ā„) #Minimum $1 to appear on stream #Minimum $2 Text a Speech >>PLEASE understand that donating are non-refundable and AGREE that you will NOT issue a chargeback!
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mama: [@leraje06]( papa: [@Gwyn_Draig]( 3D model: [@Talon137_vrc]( Emotes: [@Achiri_Art]( Paw Emote: [@pawsieCat]( Squish Emote: [@catrojanplz]( Pat/Boop/Newspaper: [@Ziphora_Art]( About Me PNG: [@chinjireta]( Offline PNG: [@BarghestBlackVT]( Sushi Nari PNG: [@lilcandy100]( BG: [@leraje06](