Profile banner for zarathusa2508



HUNT: Showdown & Dark Alliance

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Hey, Hi, Hello there Folks! Name is Zara and I am a 30-something Nerd from Scotland! >(No i'm not "That lass from BRAVE".)< >I am actually from the Gorgeous North Highlands of Scotland. >I have been playing various games for the past 15yrs or so. Mostly World of Warcraft. >However, I have fallen in love recently with HUNT: Showdown and Dark Alliance. Which we I will be focusing on mostly. >I am a complete LotR / Hobbit Geek So come "Talk Tolkien" with me! >Finally, Please do feel free to Follow. >Your support is truly appreciated in helping a newcomer find her feet. Much love to you all <3 <3 <3 >Stay tuned for upcoming giveaways too!!!
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> 1: Do not insult or personally attack other viewers. > 2: No racism or discrimination against anyone AT ALL or you will be immediately banned. > 3: Do not repeatedly spam the same question. > 4: Do not self-promote your twitch channels or any social media-you will be banned. > 5: DO NOT DISRESPECT ANY MOD EVER, if you have a question for a mod please whisper them and be respectful. > My Moderators reserve the right to time you out if you fail to follow the rules, are abusive to other stream viewers, or are disobeying the mods.
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Just wing it. Life, eyeliner, everything No streaming dates added as yet. This will change soon once I work out a proper Schedule for you folks :D