Profilbanner til zart_ink

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if you didn't laugh, this is not a place for you.

Hi! My name is ZART & you're watching the chaos channel! Elder Emo. Metal Head. Pro makeup artist. Esthetician. Pro Bodypainter. Aspiring Nail Tech. Avid burper. Vulgar queen. Wine-O.
This stream is purposely marked with the necessary tags and warnings based off of my foul mouth, innuendos, adult based humor & shenanigans within my content. This would be a great time to sit down with a glass of wine.
If you are going to troll... please do it well. Otherwise its just sad. -Be respectful to one another -Rude messages are subject to moderation and removal -Please do not share any type of personal information including age, specific location, or anything else that would put your safety at risk. -Keep your political opinions to yourself -Hate speech, violence, racism, or discrimination of any kind are not tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.
All tips go directly towards funding various goals, supplies for new content, & life! Tips are always welcome & always MUCH appreciated. CLICK THE PICTURE TO GO PLACES Please note: Donations are non-refundable
Tip Alerts: $6.66 $69 Bit Alerts: 69 bits Sound Commands: !bullsheets !fools !gdk !gourmet !late !linda !money !ohno !shit !soup !tasty !tension !yawn
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