Profile banner for zeh_pope



New streamer, mainly survival games, but other games will pass by as well, the main thing is fun, no need to be the best, just to have tons of fun's all fun and games, until someone loses an eye, so no one better loses an eye.


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Hello, I am a Dutch gamer, I mainly play survival/crafting games like 7 days to die, empyrion, subsistence, novus inceptio, etc. etc. etc. and sometimes I venture out and play something completely different, my playstyle is generally: Make it up as you go along. and yes, I know this place looks hideous for the time being, don't worry, eventually it will be made to look awesome. PS: want to get some monthly awesome games for a very low price? check out humblebundle: <> if you use this link, I get a little something (of course, this does not cost you anything extra) so you can get awesome games, and help me out as well.
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Donations are never required, always appreciated, and most of it will go towards the stream itself. click on the image, or click below to give me a tip: **[Donations linky on streamlabs](** and all new! you can now use your favourite crypto currencies to throw at me too: **[donate with crypto!](** of course there's alerts for donations, for every one, no matter how small. but try $6.66, see if it scares me, and for extraextragenerous people, they also get something extranice, of course