Profile banner for zennakai



Low budget low IQ gaming generalist with decent skill in most games. Streams for fun, chill times and random chaos. I'm chatty and friendly so stop by anytime \o/

Want to play co-op?

If I'm playing a co-op game just @ me in chat. be patient as sometimes I'm focused but I will see it. If chat is filled with talking @me again if I respond to someone else as I might have missed it.


I mostly stream over night(2-6am EST) due to irl situations. I can no longer promise to be consistent in when I stream however. I can only stream when I find a window to due to IRL situations. I hope you can still stop by and catch the stream sometime. Your always welcome to stop by, say hi, spread bad puns and talk alittle trash.


Don't be toxic Ignore toxic people Don't break ToS Not a rule but let me know if it's loud in my background or my audio is messed up. It happens to me. Let me know.