Profile banner for zerbious



Loving Husband & Father, Pathfinder 2e GM and variety gamer. My main gaming loves are RPGs, turn-based strategy and survival games.

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A loving husband and father that works hard and loves to spend his down time relaxing and playing games. I play to have fun and some great laughs with my friends. Say hello in chat and feel free to give constructive criticism, should you see me doing anything wrong... which may be often! I will often be seen playing with a few friends/fellow streamers. So if you find us entertaining while I'm playing with them, be sure to check out their streams as well.
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1. First and foremost, don't be a dick! 2. No racism, political discussions, advertising, spam, flaming, backseat gaming. 3. Language - due to having younger children of my own, I try to watch my language and I expect the same in chat. The occasional word is fine, but spamming of foul language won't be tolerated. In General: Try to be pleasant, enjoy the company of others in chat and if in doubt, see #1. Lastly, there are some words I will not allow to be used in my chat. Use of them will get you a time-out or a complete ban from the channel. The "N" word in any context! Period, it is not up for discussion! Rape - in today's world where most gamers seem to think it is cool to use this word, I will not tolerate it. If you can't understand this and it needs to be explained to you, you are in the wrong channel. I just hope no one in your life experiences an actual rape!
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Due to having a hectic full-time job, a wife and two children my scheduled stream time will vary. Week nights: If I stream, you can find me on between approx. 7pm and 11pm eastern. Weekends: Sat. Coffee & Chill: +/- 7:30am - Noon Sun. Coffee & Chill: +/- 9am - Noon I've recently been streaming with Aussie streamer Zenom (playing GW2) 7am - 9:30am Sunday mornings. Your best bet is to follow me on twitter. I try to post ahead of my going live to give a heads up.
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Always appreciated, Never expected! I stream to be social and have fun, but if you are willing to give me (better read as: my wife and kids :P ) some of your hard earned money, I sincerely appreciate it! Another way to support the stream is by visiting my THRONE wishlist and purchasing an item from the wishlist:
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Another great way to support the channel is by purchasing an item from the wishlist to help add to the stream content.
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