
ZeroGravyOn streams Gravity Circuit and MECHBLAZE.

My stream

Occasional racing of retro games with friends and sometimes random streams of Steam games new and old. I currently have no set schedule due to work and general tiredness. My channel icon (Kamen Rider Aqua for those curious) was drawn by my good friend Splash ("Sprasshu" on Twitch). He also streams video games, recommend you go check his stuff out!

Who am I?

Finnish streamer who enjoys video games without having particular skill in them. You won't see any masterclass plays here but if you enjoy watching random games played at middling competency or just laughing at my repeated failures, this is the place.

Performer's tip hat

Any donations are greatly appreciated and take a bit of financial stress off but I make do, so in no way feel obligated to give anything. Your viewership is already a joy! [https://streamlabs.com/zerogravyon](https://streamlabs.com/zerogravyon)

Potential features here

Good Gravy - A segment where I play games I have personally verified are good (Warning: Good in my opinion, not necessarily everybody's) Steam Stream - Where I test out games that I haven't played before and have either gotten them out of sales or bundles out of some interest but never started them. Some games that start here get moved up to Good Gravy.

Recognition to Good Gravy games I've played.

ZeroRanger CrossCode Odallus: The Dark Call Redout: Enhanced Edition Nex Machina Wild Guns Reloaded

Thanks that need giving

In here I'd like to list some people who have made my streams possible or otherwise been helpful friends. More might be added later. It should be noted that most, if not all of these people stream under the names I list here on Twitch. I definitely recommend checking out their channels as they are in large part what inspired me to try my hand at this business. Ampillion Nalwonk GeneJeanie Terror Van