Faixa de perfil para zestydoesthings

7,4 mil seguidores


Cosy but spiiicy Illustrator working on books and games. I draw and occasionally play games

Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel

Chat Rules

- Don't be mean! - Zesty and the Mods have the power to ban/timeout, without warning, anyone who breaks the rules of good conduct. -Don't be a mod if you're not one. Don't speak for the streamer and make decisions for them. - No links sorry, If you have art to share, post it in the discord! - Avoid inflammatory subjects, such as politics or religion. - We encourage open and frank talk about mental health and related topics, in the hopes of creating a safe and welcoming place for people who need/want support for those things. -HOWEVER, this is not an open therapy session and if the topics are getting too intense, I will ask for the subject to be changed. - NO BACKSEAT GAMING OR ARTING. I WILL SMITE YOU