Profile banner for zimzamm



Can't Zim Zam the flim flam.

Join my Discord if you wanna join some cringe games

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If you want to come and have a conversation with me or just wanna get in the next game plz join the discord. it's open for everyone. Come have a chat and play games!

Youtube TIME

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I make Youtube videos when i have time so 1 video every 3 years. Will upload soon just pressure me :D "2023"

Share your wealth

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If you want to show your support you can donate here, and letting me know i should keep going streaming! Should i get a webcam ? its like 30 € help me out :P.

A bit about me

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Can't flim flam the Zim Zam! I have been in the Royal Danish Air Force for 5 years as a operative technician, just got out this year. so now am a unemployed gamer boi. I always love playing video games, I started playing when I was really young and never stopped. My favorite games have always been strategy games, my favorite genre gsg and rts. occasionally I play first-person shooters. And only multiplayer games AI sucks. so join me in some MP games *Unemployed *Age 29