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Wild Rift Challenger ADC 3,273 LP - #3 North America | Full Stack Software Developer Engineer

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📍Played League PC (S4-S11) ➤ **GM** peak ✅ 📍Toxic? GOD DAMN RIGHT ✅ 📍Rowed for UC Davis 🚣 📍BEST MUSIC PLAYLISTS ✅ ❌I BAN *haters/stream snipers/trash-talkers* more than my teammates can feed. 🔷What is LAN? - Latin America North (a server next to NA). - Riot merged NA-LAN, BR-LAS, EUW-EUE, etc. together. (At least for WR) 🔷Why so many ADS? - I started running ADS to help funding my **monthly giveaways** on YouTube (Twitter sometimes). - I wait for games a lot (high MMR/rank) so *2-3 minutes of ADS* won't hurt :) **📌Schedule**: - TBD

Aiming Guide ⇩ (YouTube)

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⌛**Golden Rules** in my stream: 1. **Be Respectful** to each other! 2. No **Sexism**, **Racism** or other forms of **Discrimination** (ex: **Lifestyle or Cultural comments/slurs** or political or religious topics). 3. No **Spamming**, **Self Promoting** or **any promotion of any kind** (Only **Youtube Link** for song requests). 4. No **Pornography**, No Links to **Pornography, Obsence or Nude Images** including **Hentai and Cartoons/Animations**. ⛔**Special Rule**: Don't be toxic towards **me/mods/everyone else**, we will **ban** you! (ex: typing "Chill!" → Say "Calm Down" instead) ⛔Before sending **Unban Requests**, think of what you did that made me or my mods mad :)
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Tipping is **not mandatory** but it will help to improve the stream :)
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**Ingame Achievements in NA:** - #1 Jhin/Lucian/Xin Zhao/Twisted Fate/Lee Sin/Blitzcrank/Sivir - #2 Akshan/Kayn - #3 Draven - #4 Nilah - #5 Zeri - #8 Varus - #9 Ezreal/Pyke - #10 Jarvan/Yasuo - #11 Twitch - #12 Corki/Samira - #19 Ziggs - #21 Xayah
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- **Hi Dont Hurt Me** [Main] --> **#1 Jhin NA** (**S2-S9:** -*Challenger*) (**S10:** -*Sovereign*) - **Itachi UjhinHa** [Smurf] --> **#2 Jhin NA** (**S2:** -*Diamond*) (**S3-S4:** -*GrandMaster*) - **Twitch ZinWR** [Smurf 2] --> **#4 Jhin NA** (**S3-S4:** -*GrandMaster*) - **Not ZinWR** [Xayah Account] --> **#21 Xayah NA** (**S3:** -*GrandMaster*) - **Ooh Aah Ooh Ahh** [Jungle Account] (**S3:** -*Emerald*) (**S4:** -*GrandMaster*) - **Im Vulnerable** [EU Account] (**S4:** -*GrandMaster*) ________________________________________