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Used to be a speedrunning only stream, now mainly casual (and sometimes speedrunning).

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Because of my extensive collection of PlayStation 2 games that I collected but never played, I decided to do this series where I try to play them, if not to completion than at least to sample them. [Google Sheet of my collection](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ9WYovhKT5pt2moJwrwYogtz9UwsqxWBHcuOEFQfpw20E76f3HJvbgOC30lfDU3fkUSHsvQus_yKzH/pubhtml?gid=1226037417&single=true) [Pastebin of games already played](https://pastebin.com/FV2p159m) Collections of videos of already played games: [1](https://www.twitch.tv/collections/ZyNudCREeRV_hA), [2](https://www.twitch.tv/collections/9zI2_3iKThbJTg)
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Hello and welcome. I mainly stream speedruns; usually of games like GTA and GTA "clones", but I'm not limited to this.
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