Profile banner for zubat5



I'm just a girl who loves coffee, burgers and beer

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Hey! My name is Courtney and I'm as variety of a streamer as they come. I play all the games and craft all the crafts. I work as an assistant manager at an awesome coffee shop and when I'm not working I'm hanging with my wonderful husband, @suremancool
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- Positive vibes only in this chat. I welcome any tips, advice or feedback just be respectful about it :) - No racism, discrimination, or bullying, we're here to have fun and everyone is welcome. - No politics, religion or any controversial topics
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Since I work a job with no set schedule it will definitely be difficult to stick to a consistent schedule here. If you wanna know exactly when I'll be going live next join my discord and if you like what you see drop a follow :)
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Join my Discord, meet some people and have some fun! Click the pic to join :)
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!hype !cheers !brb !back !lurk !cheers !shots !stretch !tinkletown !discord !twitter !blerp !powercouple !sub !raiding !raiding2
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Wanna hear cool sounds whenever you hop in my stream? Maybe discounts on bit redeemed sound alerts? Subscribe to my channel and those perks are yours. Or if you just want these awesome sounds on your stream click the pic above and sign up for free with my link!
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Click the pic above 👆 and head on over to dubby for an awesome energy supplement! My favorite right now is dubsludge but you can change my mind. Use code ZUBAT5 at checkout and get a 10% discount
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If you wanna show your support, any tips will be used to enhance the stream. Click the pic to tip :)