zugaddict 的个人资料横幅

3,511 位关注者


National Chess Master. Somehow.

About Me

Hello, I'm National Master John Chernoff and this is my twitch channel for chess, music, programming, and so forth.

Find Me

I can be found at the following places: [my web page](http:/john-chernoff.com "my web page") [lichess](https://lichess.org/@/ZugAddict "my lichess account") [chess.com](http://www.chess.com/blog/GargleBlaster "my chess.com blog") [facebook](http://www.facebook.com/JohnAaronChernoff "my facebook page") [twitter](http://twitter.com/JohnChernoff "my twitter feed") [soundcloud](http://soundcloud.com/john-chernoff-1 "my sound cloud")
I realize there's a great many tempting things to waste your money on and appreciate that you've chosen me.

Channel Rules

Rules for the channel: none, except don't be a doofus if you can at all help it. Also, if you ask politely, it's quite possible I'll give free chess lessons in a desperate attempt to gain more followers.