Баннер профиля для zzpyropuppyzz

890 фолловеров


Ведет трансляцию MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, 10 зрителей

Come join the Goblin crew and witness the ADHD Chaos that is me. Usually on the Sea of Thieves, but can be found doin some other things sometimes. I'm loud, quiet, thoughtful, and random, call it,,, the chaotic Pyro.


Содержимое панели
If ya like the emotes and the subscriber badge, Check out everything else that Dev/Hissy has https://twitter.com/badgesandemotes
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Wanna both support and troll the streamer ya goblin, give streamloots a try

My Youtube

Содержимое панели
This is where all of my videos go. Come check me out on Youtube Art by Dismay666 http://dismay666.deviantart.com/ The score keeper is an amazing little program written by https://www.twitch.tv/shockwavez3r0. Go check out one of the most ruthless solo sloopers around