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This channel streams collaborative events from the amazing Twitch community known as The Coalition of Salty Streamers!

Panel Content
Panel Content
Welcome one and all, to the premiere CSS (Coalition of Salty Streamers) Presents channel! The CSS is a Twitch community unlike most others. We're not gonna promise you success nor do we have any ranks or requirements. We're a welcoming group of streamers that have each others' backs when it comes to this Twitch thing. Whether you're a streamer or not, you're welcome here :) Click the image to join the Discord!
Panel Content
The Coalition of Salty Streamers is raising money to help in the aid and recovery efforts in Australia through the Austrailian Red Cross. Please consider helping spread awareness that the CSS is raising money to help these efforts in Australia and that together as a community we can make a difference! To donate, please either click the image above to view our campaign page or click the link below to be taken directly to donate through Tiltify! [Click here to donate through Tiltify!](

"Salt Con 2020" Schedule of Events

**Friday, 03/13** 11am - Introductory to Salt Con 2020 12pm - Anayume & DrSoundCheck Music Duet 2pm - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 4pm - Minecraft "Capture the Flag" 6pm - "The Salty Ranch" Stardew Valley Reunion 7pm - CSS Voice Acting 9pm - "To the End of Time" D&D One Shot **Saturday, 03/14** 9am - "Cyberpunk RED: The Apartment" D&D One Shot 1pm - "The Salt Cast" Podcast ft. CSS Founders 2pm - Castle Crashers 3pm - Pokemon Showdown Tournament 4pm - Mega Man Speedruns 6pm - "Name that Video Game Tune!" 8pm - Left4Dead Madness! 11pm - P.T. Playthrough 12am - "Metal Beer Solid" **Sunday, 03/15** 10am - Planet Zoo 11am - Civilization 5 Battle Royale 2pm - Jackbox Party Pack Games 3pm - Bob Ross Paint Along 4pm - "Salty People Try Drawing" 5pm - "Salty Scuffle!" Anime Feud 7pm - Closing of Salt Con 2020!