Profile banner for delphiantamrinath



I play games, poorly at times, and sometimes I do crafting. My voice is apparently the cure for insomnia, so if you need a nap, stick around.

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Things happened. We are partnered with Humble Bundle. Yay! Clicking the pretty logo will take you where you need to go for Humble Bundle goodness and you'll also be supporting the stream.
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Hello. I'm Delphian Tamrinath. Most people call me Delphi, Delph, or Delp. Whatever is easier for you. My father has gotten better, so I am no longer a full-time caretaker, and I work six days a week, so I only get one day off from work, with a schedule that is all over the place, so streaming is hard to do sometimes, but I'm trying. I play different games, whatever I feel like at the time. Lots of Guild Wars 2 and Overwatch, and other things thrown in. My voice may put you to sleep, I've been told it has that effect on people. Sit back enjoy the terrible gameplay, and have a great time.
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This is my YouTube channel. Who knew I even had one of those? Go check out some videos. There are games you've never seen me do on Twitch before.
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Follow common sense and everything should be fine. Do not advertise your own stream here. MODS have free reign to advertise themselves. Everyone else, no. It's rude. Wait for permission or wait for a mod or myself to advertise for you. Do not be a jerk. We're all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. I already know I suck, no need to point it out repeatedly. I play games my way, you play them your way. Do not tell me how to play the games I play. Do not tell me my way is wrong. You want it done a certain way, you go play it. Let me enjoy my game how I want. Please watch your language, or be prepared to put money in the swear jar! Bad language happens, it's not banned, just do not go overboard with it. DO NOT ASK ME TO TURN ON MY CAMERA! If I want my camera on, I will turn it on. If you don't like no cam streams, then just get out. Behave and have fun.
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Tips are a great way to support the streamer and the stream itself. They are NEVER required, and I will NEVER ask for them. They are much appreciated but don't feel obligated.
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I don't tweet much. I try to remember to. Maybe someday I'll remember to actually use it more. But follow if you want.