Profile banner for dibiddilybop



Gamer, alcohol aficionado, renaissance man.

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CPU: Ryzen 9 3900x MOBO: ASUS Prime x570-Pro CPU: EVGA 3080 XC3 Ultra Cooling: EKWB custom loop Hard Drive: Western Digital 2TB SSD: Samsung M.2 NVME 1TB RAM: 32GB Corsair Dominator 3600MHz OS: Win10 x64 Case: Lian Li 011D XL White Keyboard: Corsair K95 Mouse: Glorious Model O Wireless
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Hey all! I'm 40, married, no kids, living in southern Oregon. Been a gamer since I was five years old, sneaking into my neighbor's basement to play The Legend of Zelda on their NES. Ever since then, I've been hooked. I don't really favor any particular genre, instead playing anything from 4x to platformers to fighting games to CCGs, RPGs, and everything in between. My wife likes to watch gameplay and commentate, so hopefully everyone will enjoy it as much as I do.
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Although she doesn't play many video games, that doesn't stop my wife and co-host from pretending like she does. As a co-host to our couch-based, laid-back stream, Ginga is the part of the team that offers off-the-cuff commentary and sass. Because, seriously, it would just be weird if she sat there drinking wine and saying nothing. While she doesn't play games, she's always willing to try and learn and if comedic relief is needed to ease my frustrated ego, she can step in to any game, and kill my character with haste and flare. She is awesome.
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Our third (and probably most popular) co-host, Dorian, frequently visits the stream to feed his need for attention and affection from us and our viewers alike. Named after the literary character, Dorian Gray, our Dorian spends countless hours cleaning and lounging and being the ultimate lazy house cat. Dorian has no preference for video game styles or creative art direction; if it's not a lap to lay in or food to eat, he really doesn't care.
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It's true, we do have a second cat (yes, we are those people) and his name is Furio. He is our household's equivalent to Sasquatch; his pictures are always blurry and he looks only like a small, black blur that disappears in an instant. He is... a shadow.
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Official stream times! **Monday - Thursday, starting at 8pm Pacific Time** I will also stream infrequently Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, TBA on Twitter (so follow me there if you're interested)
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