Profile banner for el_tony16



I’m Tony and I like to party,play video games and do hood rat #$*% with my friends! but also to talk about all things good and crack jokes! So please don’t take anything we say seriously and let’s have fun!

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#**Welcome to the page**# Hello I’m Tony I’m chill mellow and just like to have a good time. Be aware we will do..... say,do, act and talk about some crazy stuff,we are adults having fun playing video games so don't take yourself and what is said too seriously. BUT YOU GET 1 WARNING BEFORE YOUR BAND, so be cool. #**Type of games we play**# - **Shooters** + **Fighting** * **Adventure** - **RPG** #**Top over all games** + **Destiny** - **Gears ** * **All capcom fighting games** #**So if you like what you see and hear hit that follow button**. AND....... ! You can add follow my partners ,friends and teammate.s they are the usual voices you will hear with me. #**The crew** [Toxiczombie]( [Newera_Panda]( [XxCrazy13xx]( [Trustdashoota] ( [Game Launch](
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- #**Don't be a Jerk** + #**know when a joke has been taken too far** - #**Be respectful** - #** NO Political or Racist comments** - #**And have fun**
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#[This is what we did last week]( (
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#**Don't forget to Creep!!** #[YouTube]( #[Twitter]( #[Instagram](
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