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Welcome! Goose’s Quizzes is a Pub Quiz company based in Scotland, UK. Currently dipping in and out of streaming but aiming to get a regular schedule.

The Percentage Game

Panel Content
A regular look into the lives and minds behind Goose's Quizzes and some of our favourite people. Listen as one of the largest Pub Quiz/Trivia companies in Britain ask the big questions and discuss topics from all regions of life. If you love a Pub Quiz then you won't want to miss this. Available on all good podqast platforms.

Goose's Quizzes

Panel Content
Goose’s Quizzes is a Pub Quiz Company based in Scotland, UK. We stream a live podqast every Friday where the viewers can get involved and compete against the hosts in a quizzy game. We also play some games from time to time, not especially well, but it’s the participation that counts…right? We host IRL pub quizzes most nights in Scotland and would love to hear about your quiz/trivia night experiences. Join us on social media for more fun. Join the Discord and become a part of our fantastic community.


!About = About us !Form = Answer sheet !Rounds = Tonight's rounds !www= Our website !Insta= Our Instagram page !Face= Our Facebook page !Support = Our support link !# = Our WhatsApp number !Ton = GQ Ton store !GQ = GQ Origin of name !Pod = GQHQPQ Podcast link !Beans = Bean of the day !Rules = Guess... !Name= Origin story !Goose !Louis !Scott !Kirsty !Mart !Patreon= Our Patreon Link !Discord= Come join for 'after hours' quiz chat