Profile banner for itstallpaul



Hi! I'm Paul and YES! I am TALL!! I play what I want and have fun with it. Come catch a vibe~ \( ͡❛ ᴗ ͡❛)/


Due to not being affiliated, the best way to reward viewers in chat will be signing into [StreamElements]( This will work the same way channel points work in Twitch. Be sure to check the rewards in the shop!
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*Please be respectful to everyone. No one likes a turd *Leave religion, politics, and race out of the chat. This language will lead to a ban. *Please no bashing other streamers. This leads to unnecessary drama and disappointment of yours truly.
Panel Content
Schedule has been unpredictable with work, life, and other side projects currently. The best I can do atm is to just update you guys when I'll be on. I hope this will change in the future for your guys convenience. Thank you for your patience


Artists- [AtomicHamzter]( Music- YungTown [Youtube]( [Twitch]( [BeatStars]( [ChillPeach](