Profile banner for lilskidder



Hey, Howdy Ho, How yah doin

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As cliche as it is, I just enjoy connecting with my Viewers and having our own little corner of the internet.-- Then we take our tight knit community, perform a Coup D'etat and become the most powerful group in the twitchverse.
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Subs Receive: -First priority in tournaments -A secret discord room -A dope badge and emote(s) -All the gratitude from yours truly -Much much more (everyone says that)
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I love all games. I’m here to entertain you guys and hang out for the few hours a day I stream. So if you have a recommendation let me know on my discord or while I’m streaming and we can get that ball rolling!
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50 Followers- Achievement Unlocked 100 Followers- Achievement Unlocked 07/29/2019 200 Followers- Achievement Unlocked 08/21/2019 500 Followers- Achievement unlocked 11/14/2019 1000 Followers 2000 Followers
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We stream whenever baby
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You don't ever need to give me a donation. I do not expect that of you. Having you guys chat and engage in the community is enough but if you want to; you can do so here by CLICKING the image! If you do decide to be so generous, please be advised donations are non-refundable so we can avoid dilemmas. Thank you all again!