Profile banner for lucid_streams



Writer and sometime streamer

About this Stream

Hi there, my name's David (you can call me Lucid, both work). I stream a few different things most days of the week. I'm a writer who often streams with my writer friends. Most of my streams are duos or even trios. I tend to stream survival games and co-operative games, as well as art streams.
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All times are GMT. These aren't hard and fast rules - they're more like *guidelines*. **Monday Stream** **Tues & Thurs Streams** ~2pm - 5pm: Co-op games including: - Portal 2 - No Man's Sky - Terraria - Don't Starve Together **Sunday Stream** **Possible Future Streams** - Random Games? (suggestions?) - (Writing Prompts?) - (Piano Streams?)


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The web serial I write: Breaking Hell. Go read it!
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Edited streams will live here.
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Completed art lives here.
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Coming soon...