Profile banner for pinksmurph



Hi there! Welcome! My community is super positive and feels like a family! You can find us playing multiplayers, FPS, and full run throughs of single player games. My main focus is interaction, so let's chat! :)

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WHO ARE YOU? Hello! My name is Stephanie and I live in the New York area. Why is your Twitch name "PinkSmurph"? My childhood nickname was Smurph. Since my name is Stephanie Murphy... Smurphy...Smurph...Just add pink as my favorite color and you get PinkSmurph What games do you play? I'm usually seen in an online multiplayer game But I also LOVE doing full playthroughs of singleplayer story games. Business Email:
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Not necessary, but always appreciated! All tips go towards many stream related things (games, equipment, etc.) Any amount is greatly appreciated.
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Don't feel comfortable tipping but want to support the channel. You can always send me something from my wishlist!
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Come join us on our discord server for more shenanigans!
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I am partnered with Humble Bundle! Buy Games Support Charities BOOM!