Profile banner for repeatpete



Old Guy. Likes pie. Penguin enthusiast. 731st coolest guy you'll know.

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**1.** Respect other viewers, mods and myself at all times please. **2.** Do not ask for mod. Only my friends, or people I trust will be mods. **3.** Do not suggest games unless asked for suggestions. **4.** No spamming, creeper faces, colored text, or generally irritating chat activities. **5.** Absolutely no links, not even to my own content. **6.** Don't whine about being banned. If you were banned, it was likely for a good reason. **7.** Caps are okay to use, in moderation. Spamming them excessively will result in a timeout/ban. **8.** No backseat gaming. I know I'm not a great gamer, but if I need help I'm not afraid to ask for it :) **9.** I might, on occasion ask, a regular to if they would like to game with me or the other streamers. Please don't ask. **10.** If you have to question any comment you want to make, then I'd suggest not making it.
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I will be working on a schedule again. Streaming began to feel like work instead of something to enjoy, so I took a break until I can get back into the feel for it Follow me over at
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A guy can dream can't he? I'm really hoping to make the best of the stream through any form of donations. My current PC can handle most of what I do, but I'd like to continue improving. This list is more for improving the quality of the stream. There is another for my dream PC.


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